Healthy Life Tips With Magnetic Therapy

Earth's natural magnetic field is very large. Man who lives in it is also one of the magnetic fields as bioelectrical processes in the body. Have you ever heard that magnets can nourish your body? Magnetic therapy is already known since thousands of years ago. The Chinese, Arab, Egypt, Ancient Greece and India have made use of magnets for healing and efficacious treatment. For thousands of years ago they had created a healthy life with a magnet. Materials Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt is the user magnet as the crown on his forehead to maintain beauty and youthful skin.

Under normal conditions, the electron and ion balance work. When the balance is disrupted, the current distribution will be affected and this is usually at the root of many diseases caused by impaired organ function. Currently, many people who do most of their activities in vehicles and buildings. Many use electrical goods, high voltage cables, computers, mobile phones, which makes us always associated with positive magnetic field, which is not good for human health. Can we say that the development of technology using barang2 can negatively affect your healthy life?

Eating too much meat and acidic foods, will affect the balance of positive and negative ions, causing us to a positive magnetic field (positive and acidity). It affects our metabolism and various symptoms of the disease will appear and pass uric acid, stomach acid, and so on. Surely it would interfere with a healthy life we are creating. Conversely, a negative magnetic field will normalize metabolism and acid-base balance in the body and regulate the function - the function of organs properly.

What about the development of magnetic therapy in the modern era? Scientific research conducted by dr. Valbona at the University of Houston, the United States put forward the theory;
Blood Flow. The experts found that magnets can help increase blood flow to the painful area, and bring more oxygen (O2) and reducing the inflammatory process also reduces pain. Magnets are believed to stimulate blood flow because the blood itself contains positively charged particles and negatively.
Pain Perception. Valbona view that magnets affect pain receptors and effect of anesthesia. Magnetic effect is transmitted through the blood vessels to the brain, and produces endorphin-a natural substance whose strength pain relievers 10 times greater than morphine.

People's lives today are fast paced with tension-paced environment, the workload; lack of sleep, causing the flow of bio-electricity in your body out of balance, the body's natural ability to heal itself will disappear. This is a sign that each cell has lost its power. The result is a system of the body's defense mechanism becomes weak. Healthy living that we are trying to keep the more power due to the lifestyle of today.

In order to create a healthy life that we stay awake, one of which is the magnetic therapy. Magnetic therapy is one of them is to use a bracelet or necklace made of titanium and germanium metal. Negative magnetic energy released by the jewelry will organize and help improve blood circulation and cause the nervous system to work properly.

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  1. Indeed, magnetic therapy has offered a number of healthy benefits. And using magnetic bracelet is widely known today. Thank you for this informative blog.

  2. magnet therapy has lots of benefits and really does work!
