5 Healthy Foods for Children's Brain Development

1. Milk and milk products such as yogurt, etc.: Milk and other dairy products have a rich source of protein, calcium, potassium, and vitamin D. All the essential nutrients are key to the development of the neuromuscular system, neurotransmitters, enzymes, and brain tissue. Children and adolescents in this age group are in a growth phase, so they need a lot of nutrients.

2. All kinds of berries: They contain virtually all of the important brain nutrients. Berries are a food source rich in antioxidants and vitamin C helps that in reducing oxidative stress. Various types of berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and more.

3. Eggs and nuts: Choline is an essential element for the development of memory cells. It is contained in the egg. Nuts also have a lot of choline. These compounds can increase the production of stem cells in the memory, the brain.

4. Whole grains: Vitamin B and make glucose found in grains such as wheat and brown rice healthy brain food for your child. Our body needs a regular supply of glucose supplied by grains. Vitamin B improves circulation in our nervous system, which remains one of the most important factors for all of our active organs, including the brain.

5. Salmon: Salmon is a rich food source of omega-3 fatty acids, such as DHA and EPA. It is very important for proper development of the brain. Research shows that people who eat fish sharper memory than those who are not among them.

Enter the correct diet for your child. Eating healthy helps their brain development.

Healthy Food For Kids

Children who do not have a balanced diet is very prone to health problems, such as visual, fatigue and lack of concentration disorders. This can hinder their development, which can be very painful for parents. Understand that a good list of foods consumed by children to parents ideas on how to prepare healthy food menu for children that can help their development. Some healthy foods that can be consumed to help your child grow up is as follows:

Dairy farm
Milk is one of the best healthy beverages for children. Studies have shown that milk contains 9 nutritional requirements that include the necessary minerals like calcium, potassium and zinc. In order to have healthy bones and also to avoid problems in the eyes, the children need to drink two glasses of milk every day. In addition to milk, children should be given yogurt, which is loaded with "good" bacteria. Cheese is also included in the list of healthy foods, because the calcium in cheese helps strengthen teeth and bones of children. However, it should be consumed with all the normal dose and not excessive, because it can lead to weight gain.

Fish is rich in protein, fish have been found to be an excellent source of omega-3yang is food for the brain. Selection of salmon may be a better alternative, in terms of preparing food for the children. Parents can increase the vitamins and minerals from lunch, the children by giving them their child sushi twice a week.

The protein-rich foods such as eggs that you need to keep your kids stay nutritious. Protein has a vital role to make the muscles stronger and also ensures healthy hair growth. However, eggs are rich in cholesterol, the child should not be given an egg every day. You can give eggs as one of their food on the menu in a few days.

Vegetables and fruit
Green leafy vegetables has long been hailed as a major source of supply of minerals and vitamins, and is an important part of a healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables can remove excess fat in children. You can feed the kids made from vegetables such as spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots and cabbage. This fruit also helps provide vitamin consumption in children and also has the effect of weight loss. Fruits such as pineapple, apples, and peaches are great very good for the gut and also help stop the painful bowel movements in children. Steam the cauliflower or broccoli and carrots and cucumbers, or maybe a green salad can be a great addition to children's lunch.

Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women

Women who are pregnant need of healthy and nutritious foods in order to remain healthy condition of the mother and the baby is in the womb get enough nutrition for development. It looks very heavy, because the mother had to think of two foods at once, which is to his own body and to the baby. For that you must be careful - careful in choosing the food that you will consume, and considering the existing nutrient levels in foods. Here is a list of healthy diet for pregnant women that you can consume.
  1. Eggs. Eggs are an excellent source of high quality protein, which is good for the development of the baby in the womb.
  2. Salmon.This fish is a fish, eggs and high protein content. Furthermore, the salmon also contains omega-3 fatty.
  3. Nuts. Bean fiber and protein, especially beans are the best.
  4. Sweet potatoes. Because it contains vitamin C, folic acid and fiber are also good for the body and for the development of a baby in the womb.
  5. Vegetables with dark green leaves. Benefits of vegetables were without a doubt, especially for women who are pregnant are certainly very useful. Examples that have dark green leaves are spinach, kale, etc...
  6. Fruit - Fruit. There is no doubt the fruit - the fruit is very good for pregnant women, because a lot of content in the fruit.
  7. Meat without fat. Meat is a source of protein, but look for meat, contains no fat, because fat is not good for the baby in the womb. Look for meat, the fat is separated.
  8. Yogurt. This is one food that is low in fat and rich in vitamin D (soccer) is good for our bones and strengthens bones in children. 
  9. Red beans and broccoli. And 'one of the foods that are high in fiber and iron, which are essential for cell growth -. Red blood cells of the baby in the womb
  10. Skimmed milk. The milk is different to that of normal milk, because the milk is very rich in protein. It also contains a lot of calcium and vitamin B12.

Healthy Life of Vegetarian

Vegetarianism is a plant-based diet by avoiding animal foods, especially meat. A vegetarian diet is divided into four types: first, semi-vegetarians are those who never eat meat except poultry. Second, Lacto Ovo those who eat meat or animal products if they have slaughtered first, eggs and milk are allowed. Third, the type of vegetarian Vegan pretty tight. In addition to meat, fish, milk and eggs were taboo. Fourth, Fructarian that they are very tight not only reluctant to four types of food was also taboo against rape. The reason is that after the crops were harvested plants would soon die. There was also a temporary vegetarian kind to those who still eat meat, fish and chicken if attending an invitation or a meal. The question is whether it's vegetarian one way to live a healthy life? Are they lackluster?

Apparently a lot of vegetarians who claims his life are much healthier than before becoming a vegetarian. Although the type of food consumed is limited but still there are many options and variations as well as important life stay pleasant. Many feel that their immune system more vibrant and smooth bowel movement, even they feel the smell of sweat is not too overpowering.

Dr. Kjeldsen-Kragh jean from Olso, Norway stated that a vegetarian diet can reduce swelling and pain in rheumatoid arthritis common in people aged 40 years. Experts remind me often of heart disease among others obtained from consuming excessive saturated fat and cholesterol from animal foods. While the fiber in plant foods actually can lower blood cholesterol levels, controlling blood sugar levels, as well as loses weight. But even so, the vegetarian if not careful it could be attacked by the disease. Need to know about nutrition because if the lack of knowledge about nutrition and balance of nutrients that need to be absorbed by the body can be bad. Among others; diseases related to malnutrition, especially because of the low quality proteins such as slow growth, kwashi-orkor, malnutrition and so on.

Kerry Gorman, author of Nutrition For Vegetarians mention that on this earth vegetarian number exceeds the number of people eating meat. It may be because they obviously have a long life. German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg prove the vegetarian than achieving a higher level of health has a greater life expectancy due to avoid heart disease, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, cholesterol, kidney or bone disease.

So depending on your own whether it will be an eater of vegetables and fruits or meat eaters. I think the most important thing in creating a healthy life is to know the nutrients contained in the food, knowing the benefits and disadvantages of different types of foods that can set our own diet.

Healthy Life-Healthy Tips for Lactose Malabsorption

Lactose malabsorption is not allergic to milk; it turns out people who suffer from milk allergies are not as much as we think. Allergic reactions are actually involves symptoms such as eczema itchy skin and difficulty breathing. In contrast to lactose malabsorption, which is caused by a form of the enzyme lactase deficiency the duty to reduce lactose digestion? Have you had diarrhea or abdominal bloating after drinking milk? Or even you often refuse to eat a delicious dessert with dairy ingredients are like pudding with custard filling, ice cream because you're afraid of abdominal bloating or diarrhea?. So that all the nutritional benefits of the food must be passed.

Getting good nutrition from milk is one healthy way of life. But if you have problems when drinking milk, not to worry, you can work around this.
Symptoms of lactose malabsorption are abdominal discomfort, bloating, colds and diarrhea. Because these symptoms can also be caused by other conditions, then you must be sure first if you suffer from lactose malabsorption.

One healthy tip by examining intolerance. For more serious symptoms, special tests can be performed such as hydrogen breath test. This test will test whether there is hydrogen in your breath, resulting from carbohydrate that in fermentation by bacteria. Alternative test is a blood glucose test, which measures blood sugar levels after consuming lactose. The simplest way is to not consume lactose at all for one or two weeks. Then see if the symptoms decrease or not. If symptoms return after consuming lactose, chances are you are indeed suffering from lactose malabsorption.

Most people who suffer from lactose malabsorption of lactose can still consume up to 10 grams per day (one glass of milk a normal size) with no problems. So actually avoid lactose completely is not always necessary, just remembered not to over-consume. The food is high in lactose as milk, full cream, ice cream, yoghurt, cream cheese should not be consumed in large amounts simultaneously. Surely this will make you who have lactose malabsorption be rushed to the toilet.

Fortunately, most cases of lactose malabsorption is temporary, as after suffering gastroenteritis (stomach infection) or a parasitic infection, or in people who are iron deficient. So the main problem is completed, usually in digesting lactose problems will also disappear. For people with lactose malabsorption permanent, simple resolution is to take a supplement containing lactase which can help the body digest lactose. Consult this supplement with your doctor, so you will still be able to enjoy delicious food with dairy ingredients and nutritional benefits without having to worry about stomach problems. Thus you can still live a healthy life without fear of stomach discomfort when drinking milk or other foods with dairy ingredients.

Healthy Life Tips With Magnetic Therapy

Earth's natural magnetic field is very large. Man who lives in it is also one of the magnetic fields as bioelectrical processes in the body. Have you ever heard that magnets can nourish your body? Magnetic therapy is already known since thousands of years ago. The Chinese, Arab, Egypt, Ancient Greece and India have made use of magnets for healing and efficacious treatment. For thousands of years ago they had created a healthy life with a magnet. Materials Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt is the user magnet as the crown on his forehead to maintain beauty and youthful skin.

Under normal conditions, the electron and ion balance work. When the balance is disrupted, the current distribution will be affected and this is usually at the root of many diseases caused by impaired organ function. Currently, many people who do most of their activities in vehicles and buildings. Many use electrical goods, high voltage cables, computers, mobile phones, which makes us always associated with positive magnetic field, which is not good for human health. Can we say that the development of technology using barang2 can negatively affect your healthy life?

Eating too much meat and acidic foods, will affect the balance of positive and negative ions, causing us to a positive magnetic field (positive and acidity). It affects our metabolism and various symptoms of the disease will appear and pass uric acid, stomach acid, and so on. Surely it would interfere with a healthy life we are creating. Conversely, a negative magnetic field will normalize metabolism and acid-base balance in the body and regulate the function - the function of organs properly.

What about the development of magnetic therapy in the modern era? Scientific research conducted by dr. Valbona at the University of Houston, the United States put forward the theory;
Blood Flow. The experts found that magnets can help increase blood flow to the painful area, and bring more oxygen (O2) and reducing the inflammatory process also reduces pain. Magnets are believed to stimulate blood flow because the blood itself contains positively charged particles and negatively.
Pain Perception. Valbona view that magnets affect pain receptors and effect of anesthesia. Magnetic effect is transmitted through the blood vessels to the brain, and produces endorphin-a natural substance whose strength pain relievers 10 times greater than morphine.

People's lives today are fast paced with tension-paced environment, the workload; lack of sleep, causing the flow of bio-electricity in your body out of balance, the body's natural ability to heal itself will disappear. This is a sign that each cell has lost its power. The result is a system of the body's defense mechanism becomes weak. Healthy living that we are trying to keep the more power due to the lifestyle of today.

In order to create a healthy life that we stay awake, one of which is the magnetic therapy. Magnetic therapy is one of them is to use a bracelet or necklace made of titanium and germanium metal. Negative magnetic energy released by the jewelry will organize and help improve blood circulation and cause the nervous system to work properly.

Related Post : http://www.magnetjewellerymegastore.com/