Healthy Life-Healthy Tips for Lactose Malabsorption

Lactose malabsorption is not allergic to milk; it turns out people who suffer from milk allergies are not as much as we think. Allergic reactions are actually involves symptoms such as eczema itchy skin and difficulty breathing. In contrast to lactose malabsorption, which is caused by a form of the enzyme lactase deficiency the duty to reduce lactose digestion? Have you had diarrhea or abdominal bloating after drinking milk? Or even you often refuse to eat a delicious dessert with dairy ingredients are like pudding with custard filling, ice cream because you're afraid of abdominal bloating or diarrhea?. So that all the nutritional benefits of the food must be passed.

Getting good nutrition from milk is one healthy way of life. But if you have problems when drinking milk, not to worry, you can work around this.
Symptoms of lactose malabsorption are abdominal discomfort, bloating, colds and diarrhea. Because these symptoms can also be caused by other conditions, then you must be sure first if you suffer from lactose malabsorption.

One healthy tip by examining intolerance. For more serious symptoms, special tests can be performed such as hydrogen breath test. This test will test whether there is hydrogen in your breath, resulting from carbohydrate that in fermentation by bacteria. Alternative test is a blood glucose test, which measures blood sugar levels after consuming lactose. The simplest way is to not consume lactose at all for one or two weeks. Then see if the symptoms decrease or not. If symptoms return after consuming lactose, chances are you are indeed suffering from lactose malabsorption.

Most people who suffer from lactose malabsorption of lactose can still consume up to 10 grams per day (one glass of milk a normal size) with no problems. So actually avoid lactose completely is not always necessary, just remembered not to over-consume. The food is high in lactose as milk, full cream, ice cream, yoghurt, cream cheese should not be consumed in large amounts simultaneously. Surely this will make you who have lactose malabsorption be rushed to the toilet.

Fortunately, most cases of lactose malabsorption is temporary, as after suffering gastroenteritis (stomach infection) or a parasitic infection, or in people who are iron deficient. So the main problem is completed, usually in digesting lactose problems will also disappear. For people with lactose malabsorption permanent, simple resolution is to take a supplement containing lactase which can help the body digest lactose. Consult this supplement with your doctor, so you will still be able to enjoy delicious food with dairy ingredients and nutritional benefits without having to worry about stomach problems. Thus you can still live a healthy life without fear of stomach discomfort when drinking milk or other foods with dairy ingredients.


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