Healthy Life by Eating Grapes

You may be one of the many people who want a healthy life in an easy way. One is by eating healthy foods. Fruit trees are a lot of foods that benefit one grape. Maybe you are one of the many fans of grapes. But do you know the wine has extraordinary properties?.
Grape seed extract was able to destroy 76% of leukemia cells in the patient's body stage III and IV. Researchers from the University of Kentucky in the United States to observe the unique reaction of grape seed extract that and seen that leukemia cells commit mass suicide. They found within 24 hours as much as 76% of leukemia cells die after influenced extract.

The use of grape seed extract, in addition to causing cell death or apoptosis, they also found that the extracts that activate JNK are proteins that regulate apoptosis pathways that cause leukemia cells to be confused. Grape seed extract further research has shown positive results in a number of cases of cancer, including cancers of the skin, breast, colon, lung, stomach, and prostate cancer. Apparently the ability of cancer has revealed dihematologi extract has a suitable mechanism to combat the dreaded disease.
Using grapes to fight cancer has actually been known since hundreds of years ago. Doctors Arab nationals, Ibn Sinna using grape extracts to treat bumps - bumps that appear in the body of the patient. Now it turns out it is a known lump growing tumors in patients. Providing intensive treatment with grape extract was able to quell the spread of the bump.

So that's one easy way to achieve a healthy life is to eat grapes to avoid the dreaded disease. Grape does deserve to be called as the food of kings. In addition to delicious and refreshing, grape seed extract is also very nutritious that it can kill 76% of leukemia cells within 24 hours after circulating in the body.


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